NEB Task Cards
NEB Task Cards allow educators to explore dozens of professional development opportunities. Educators work through task card activities at their own pace, create a final product, and receive and act upon feedback from NEB coaches before completion. The average time to complete a task card is 2 hours.
“Participants are expected to complete the task card independently and to provide evidence for each component of the rubric”.
Teaching Strategies
Educators will explore the importance of building relationships with students and ways to help them build these relationships.
This is the first task card in a four part installment of Task Cards about Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy which are intended to be completed in order. Participants will engage in differentiated exploration of identity and intersectionality. They will then explore strategies for building relationships with students across lines of difference.
This is the second task card in a four part installment of Task Cards about Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy which are intended to be completed in order. Participants will explore ways to build authentic connections with students in order to leverage those connections to access deep learning. They will learn strategies for giving feedback in emotionally intelligent ways, and establishing high standards for students through learning partnerships and alliances.
This is the third task card in a four part installment of Task Cards about Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy which are intended to be completed in order. Participants will explore ways to build authentic connections with students in order to leverage those connections to access deep learning. They will learn strategies for giving feedback in emotionally intelligent ways, and establishing high standards for students through learning partnerships and alliances.
This is the fourth task card in a four part installment of Task Cards about Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy which are intended to be completed in order. Participants will investigate the impact of the classroom environment on learning. They will create an action plan that integrates strategies for building a classroom community that fosters the psychological and social safety necessary for reinforcing students’ academic identities.
Educators will identify classroom management techniques specific to Elementary/Middle/High School to increase student engagement.
Educators will identify and implement differentiated instruction strategies into an upcoming lesson.
Educators will explain the role of positive:corrective ratios in behavioral feedback; use behavior-specific strategies for acknowledgement & correction; and write an action plan to integrate behavior-specific acknowledgement into instruction.
Educators will explore the history behind co-teaching, the six models of co-teaching and reflect upon their own professional practices to share with their co-teacher.
Educators will register for an Insert Learning account, install it using their Google Chrome browser, and will create a sample lesson using the key features of Insert Learning.
This task card covers language acquisition theories, strategies, lesson planning, and assessment as it relates to multilingual learners.
This task card covers language acquisition theories, strategies, lesson planning, and assessment as it relates to multilingual learners.
Participants will create an analysis of needs based on their incoming students and explore instructional strategies to accelerate student learning as a means to mitigate contributing factors to student loss.
Educators will learn about Rhode Island's social emotional learning (SEL) standards and commit to strategies they can use to promote student development of these standards.
Educators will learn how trauma affects learning and commit to supports they will use to mitigate the effects of trauma - including trauma related to the Covid 19 pandemic.
Educators will engage in mindset work related to the social emotional skill set that students bring with them to the classroom.
Educators will articulate the importance of student interaction for learning, define the characteristics of meaningful student interaction and implement scaffolds for student interaction.
Educators will articulate the importance of student interaction for learning, define the characteristics of meaningful student interaction and implement scaffolds for student interaction.
EdTech & Virtual Learning
Educators will identify best practices for early elementary distance learning and explore a wide variety of tools and platforms to support online instruction with young children.
Educators should explore three new educational technology tools (Padlet, Flipgrid, and Quizlet) and assess whether or not the tools will enhance or distract from instruction.
Explore strategies and tools that will support engaging students during a live virtual class. Useful for teachers and anyone else leading a virtual class.
This task card is designed to provide educators with effective strategies to provide feedback and grade assignments in google classroom. It is designed for grades K-12.
Educators will register for an Insert Learning account, install it using their Google Chrome browser, and will create a sample lesson using the key features of Insert Learning.
Teachers will learn how to turn Google slides into interactive learning opportunities for every student, every day, in every classroom, including a virtual one.
Intro to Kami, an online document annotation and markup tool.
This is an introduction to the tool, Seesaw, a platform for student engagement that inspires students of all ages to be creative and do their best.
Learn best practices for implementing the station rotation model in a blended or hybrid context, and explore a variety of tech tools to support small-group instruction.
ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities. Learn how to create a positive culture, give students a voice, and share moments with parents by using ClassDojo.
Educators will register for a screencastify account, install it as a plug-in on their device, and record, edit and share an introductory video for students.
Participants will create an analysis of needs based on their incoming students and explore instructional strategies to accelerate student learning as a means to mitigate contributing factors to student loss.
This task card is designed to support educators with creating forms with questions that will allow a quiz to auto-grade. This form is intended for beginners.
Educators will be able to create a new google classroom, change the theme, invite their students and create, upload and assign a variety of tasks for students.
Participants will gain knowledge about the 4 C’s of 21st Century Skills, and how to evaluate virtual tools that best align with those skills.
Participants will explore virtual assessment strategies, review what makes feedback effective, and practice providing feedback virtually.
Participants will will explore how to digitally organize, adapt traditional lesson plans, and communicate unique systems and structures for their individual classroom to support students.
Teacher Assistants/ Paraprofessional Task Cards
Teacher's Assistant and Education Assistants will learn Piaget's four stages of cognitive development, explore cognitive flexibility and create a lesson that implements various cognitive skills to meet the needs of all students.
Teacher Assistants and Education Assistants will explore the Zone of Proximal Development and incorporate scaffolding in order to create or enhance their lesson plan to include differentiation for all students.
Teacher Assistants/Education Assistants in grades K-12 will identify culturally sustaining strategies to implement in order to provide a diverse and inclusive classroom. .
Teacher Assistants/Education Assistants in grade K-12 with explore the guidelines of Universal Design while identifying UDL strategies to use with their students.
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals will engage in mindset work related to the social emotional skill set that students bring with them to the classroom.
Teacher Assistants and Education Assistant will learn how to use Google Meet to connect, collaborate and interact with your students and families.
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals will learn about Rhode Island's social emotional learning (SEL) standards and commit to strategies they can use to promote student development of these standards.
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals will learn about Social emotional learning (SEL) and commit to strategies they can use to provide students support in the classroom.
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals will explore the importance of building relationships with students and ways to help them build these relationships.
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals will identify classroom management techniques specific to Elementary/Middle/High School to increase student engagement.